
Womb Awakening Workshop

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In-Person Events:

Workshops typically consist of a progressive 5-hour journey or "deep dive."

They include a blend of feminine teachings, guided dance and free movement, shamanic journeying, and embodied practices such as holotropic breathwork and body prayers.

We also focus on community, relationship, and connection with each other as an essential key and container in our healing journey.

Workshops are held within a space of feminine magic and initiation. Together, we step through the temple doors, and open to meet the truth of who we are.

When we gather, magic happens. We hold hands as a circle and hold a sanctuary for our healing and the blossoming of our greatest soul dreams. Anything becomes possible, and miracles often abound. 

Womb Awakening Workshop


Womb Awakening Workshop

The journeys my husband and I experienced were magical and life-changing for both of us.

I had never experienced so much healing and on such a deep soul level until now. More healing took place in my first journey than in 10 years of therapy and daily work.

These journeys have taught me to embrace my soul essence, speak my truth and walk in my power.

— Alicia

Womb Awakening Workshop

The experience was awe-inspiring.

Never have I been in such an open, welcoming, and understanding environment, where we as women could come together and share openly our hearts and inner experience.

Jade shared and listened to experiences, guiding us all gently through our own personal journeys as we explored and learned the power of our soul Shakti.

Once the workshop had closed, Jade ensured we all stayed connected and created a safe space for us to communicate and maintain our sisterhood, going the extra mile for all of us.

Truly, I would recommend this experience for any person looking to get in touch with their inner selves, their womanhood, and embrace their inner Shakti.

— Amberlynn

Womb Awakening Workshop

I have experienced an incredible awakening of love and power since Saturday.

My dragon has been spreading her wings and living from an open heart which feels just like flying.

My entire body has been alive with Shakti energy and creativity is high.

— Adrienne


Experience Womb Awakening

Shamanic Journeys

Womb Awakening Meditations

Womb Awakening Sessions

One-on-One Sessions
